Avocado Toast Recipe 5 Ways; Make it easily at home!

Avocado Toast Recipe

Avocado Toast Recipe

Avocado Toast Recipe 5 Ways

Have you ever noticed how something can become so popular that it’s eventually ridiculed? Lattes, grandmas on TikTok, robot vacuums – they’re all examples. Now, let’s add avocado toast to that list. When did it become so ubiquitous?

According to some sources, it all started in Australia with chef Bill Granger who added it to his restaurant menu in 1993. British chef Nigel Slater also wrote about it in a 1999 column for The Guardian. However, it wasn’t until celeb Gwyneth Paltrow featured the recipe in her 2013 cookbook, “It’s All Good,” that it truly took off.

To her credit, Paltrow said, “It’s not even a recipe” due to its simplicity (just avocado, veganaise, and sea salt). If you haven’t tried avocado toast yet, what are you waiting for? And if you’re bored with the same old recipe, here are five variations to spice things up. You won’t be disappointed!

3 Critical Ingredients

Avocado Toast Recipe

Avocado Toast Recipe

The top-rated food item on the list is undoubtedly avocado, which is a fruit, not a vegetable.

It is considered one of the most nutritious superfoods in the world and can be consumed on various diet plans, including low-carb, paleo, and gluten-free, making it a versatile ingredient for vegans, vegetarians, and those following the keto diet.

Avocados are not only delicious but also offer a substantial amount of essential nutrients such as fiber, potassium, vitamin K, and healthy fats.

Additionally, research suggests that avocados have several health benefits, including improved heart health, weight loss, and digestive tract function.

One raw California avocado (skin and seed removed) contains approximately 227 calories, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of protein, 21 grams of fats, and 9 grams of fiber.

To relish the avocado toast recipe, your next step is to grab a slice of hearty bread.

It’s recommended to use sourdough, whole wheat, or gluten-free bread for maximum taste. Sourdough bread is easier to digest and provides absorbable nutrients.

Sea salt is the third crucial ingredient that adds the perfect amount of saltiness to the toast. Instead of using heavily processed table salt, choose mineral-rich versions such as sea salt, pink Himalayan salt, or even specialty salts like Maldon flaky sea salt that gives a delightful crunch to the dish. Vegan dishes can feature black salt.

How to Make Avocado Toast 5 Ways

Begin by toasting the bread until it reaches a golden, crisp texture. While some may prefer a softer toast, it may not withstand the weight of a generous serving of avocado. After toasting, move on to cutting the avocado in half and removing the pit.

Use a spoon to scoop out the flesh and transfer it to a small bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork until it is smooth and mix in ⅛ teaspoon of salt. Spread the mashed avocado on top of the slice of toast and savor it in its classic form. Alternatively, experiment with any of the variations suggested below.


The Classic: Smashed avocado with flaky sea salt

The Spicy: Avocado, turkey bacon, and fried egg with hot sauce

The Lox: Avocado, cream cheese (vegan or regular), smoked salmon, red onion, Everything but the Bagel Seasoning

The Veg: Avocado, radish, “Jammy” soft-boiled egg (or hard-boiled egg), Maldon flaky sea salt

The Caprese: Avocado, whipped feta* (regular, goat or vegan), tomato, basil, optional balsamic vinegar


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