How to Clean Gold Jewelry the Right Way?

How to Clean Gold Jewelry

How to Clean Gold Jewelry

How to Clean Gold Jewelry the Right Way?

For thousands of years, gold jewelry has represented wealth and social status due to its shine and resilience. Despite being a soft metal, its purity of 24 karats can be transformed into varying amounts and mixed with other alloys to enhance its durability.

These mixtures usually come in 14 and 10 karats, but they still contain “real gold.” Other precious materials such as gems, pearls, enamel, and other metals like silver, platinum, and copper can be combined with gold jewelry.

The proximity of jewelry to the skin can cause the accumulation of body oils, makeup, and bacteria, which reduces the sparkle of gold. Regular upkeep is paramount to ensure that gold jewelry maintains its luster for years to come.

Avoid using abrasive substances like toothpaste, baking soda, or commercial metal cleaners as they can cause scratches. Bleach is also not recommended as it can react with gold alloys and wear them out. Follow the simple steps below for an efficient in-home cleaning technique.

How Often to Clean Gold Jewelry?

How often gold jewelry needs to be cleaned depends on how frequently it’s worn. Although gold doesn’t tarnish easily as silver, constant wearing, and handling can result in a dull appearance.

If the gold contains more alloys and has a lower karat, it’s more susceptible to tarnishing from exposure to chemicals like chlorine, alcohol, acids, and sulfur compounds. To maintain the shine, it’s recommended to clean frequently worn jewelry at least once a month or more frequently if the finish becomes dull.

How to Clean Gold Jewelry

How to Clean Gold Jewelry

What You’ll Need?

  • Equipment / Tools

    • Soft-bristled brush
    • Soft cotton cloth
    • Small bowl
  • Materials

    • Dish soap
    • Warm water


  • Mix the Dish Soap Cleaning Solution

Prepare a tiny bowl that can accommodate the entire gold jewelry piece, and then pour warm water into it. Next, mix in a few drops of dish soap and stir well to ensure even distribution. To prevent scratching, it’s ideal to clean only one or two pieces of gold jewelry at a time.

  • Soak for 20 Minutes

Place the gold jewelry in a container and allow it to soak for a minimum of 20 minutes until the dishwashing liquid dissolves any oily residue on its surface.

  • Scrub With a Soft Toothbrush if Needed

In case the jewelry has intricate carvings or is extremely soiled, gentle scrubbing with a soft-bristled brush such as an old toothbrush or jeweler’s brush may be necessary. This will help get rid of any embedded dirt in hard-to-reach places. For best results, an eyebrow brush with gentle bristles can also be used. However, brushes with stiff bristles should be avoided as they can cause scratches on the gold.

  • Rinse and Dry

Once you have soaked the gold jewelry, give it a rinse with regular water and proceed to polish it dry using a soft cotton cloth. To prevent scratches, it’s important to avoid using paper towels, especially on higher-karat gold.

In the event, you mistakenly use silver polish or any other cleaner that leaves your gold jewelry looking dull, prepare a solution of dish soap and warm water, then dip the jewelry and wait for five minutes.

Use a soft cotton cloth to remove the film residue and return the piece to the cleaning solution to soak for another 15 minutes. Rinse and patiently dry the jewelry as advised.

Tips to Keep Gold Jewelry Clean Longer

To prevent soap scum from forming on the surface of your gold jewelry, it’s recommended to remove them when washing your hands or bathing. When entering a hot tub, swimming pool, or beach, it’s also advisable to remove all jewelry as harsh chemicals such as chlorine, sulfur, acids, and salt can discolor or damage them, especially items less than 24 karats.

Chlorine exposure can weaken the structure of your gold jewelry, leading to its breakage. Avoid exposing gold jewelry to make-up, hair sprays, medicated lotions, and creams. To prevent jewelry from scratching each other, carefully store them in separate compartments of a fabric-lined jewelry box, thus avoiding dulling the finish.

While deep cleaning of jewelry can be done using ammonia, it’s cautioned not to overuse it, as it’s a strong and caustic chemical that can wear down your gold. Additionally, be cautious when using ammonia on other types of jewelry like platinum or pearls, as it may not be safe.

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